Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So, BYU has a cool question and answer thing known as the 100 hour board. It's at if you want to check it out. I read it everyday at work because I sit at a computer waiting for people to ask me questions. Basically someone writes in a question and the writers have 100 hours to answer it. They have all types of questions and they have all types of answers. I was perusing the archives today and ran across my favorite question of all time. I may be mean, but golly does it make me laugh. I hope you enjoy it.

Dear 100 Hour Board,

The following is a very real circumstance:

Suppose you're in a time of your life where you feel that you have little to no direction. You work, you go home, you make enough to pay bills and little else. You wonder about what you're doing of value, and you begin to question the importance and significance of your life and existence.

Now, suppose you spent an evening praying somewhat earnestly for some kind of guidance. You feel pretty good. The next morning, the following event occurs:

It is a gray and cold morning. You are driving north on I-15 at about 8AM to work. You see this large white seagull flying aimlessly. You feel like you can identify with the creature--flying in circles, looking for basic sustenance and finding little. Then, as you reach the apex of your self-concerned analogy, the bird swoops down, and meets a truck head-on with inescapable finality.

How do you react? Do you take it as a very strange coincidence? Do you take some sort of sign from it? Do you laugh? Do you cry?

- Poor Bird.


~LB said...

thats hilarious. and sad. hmm tough call

Annie said...

So was the answer "Poor Bird"?

Cindy Feuz said...

That dude needs serious help....
and he should probably be on suicide watch!

Marina said...

I happen to know the person who wrote this entry to the 100 hour board. Making fun of people who are having a difficult time in their life is insensitive. This entry was not meant to be "funny", but was written because this person was truly having a difficult time. What if the author read your blog and the comments?