Thursday, November 11, 2010


Choosing a name is really hard. We have our favorites, but I'm so worried I will pick the wrong name for her. Here are the ones we are considering:
June (possibly my favorite)
Caroline (as in Sweet)

Eli mostly agrees with those. I also really like the name Iris, but Eli said she can only have that name if she grows up to be an optometrist.
Eli likes the name Sidney, but I'm not crazy about it. I think it's a really nice name, but it just makes me think of Alias and my sister Cindy said it when people say that name she thinks they are just mispronouncing hers.

That's all for now.


Kyle said...

Don't you think she needs a good flower name?

Mulhollands said...

Congratulations on the baby. Also I like Caroline due to the fact that it reminds me of Carolina and we live in North Carolina!! But choose whatever you like best. And I absolutely love Neil Diamond. 2 years ago Roger and I went to a Neil Diamond concert in Charlotte, NC. We loved it!

Emily said...

I love the name June! A few months ago I told Kyle that we were going to name our second daughter June. Great minds think alike!

Alainarae said...

I definitely vote for CAROLINE!!! I would steal it if you don't use it and I have a gill. (get it)

Also I like Georgia. Mary is not my fave. Sorry, I'm sure you could tell. But if you love a name, and you both agree, go for it!

(I love Caroline because it has the "L" in it. My other girl name is Isla. I just love it. )
Good luck!

Alainarae said...

And if you name her Iris, she most likely will grow up to be an optometrist. I've read stuff about those kinds of things happening. Tell Eli her chances increase with the name.

Annie said...

I like all those names-save Mary- not my fave, but still a nice name. Your friend Mulholland made me think of another great name, Charlotte. Maybe that will make your list?
Don't stress too bad, whatever name you pick will be the right one. Maybe narrow it down to the top three you love and wait until you get a good look at her and then you will know. THat's what we knew with phoebe. As soon as she pooped that maconium all over me, I knew she was a Phoebe.

Ashley said...

What about combining a couple of the names you like? For example: Caroline June Rhoads?

Alainarae said...

Annie. Meconium? That's how you knew she was a Phoebe? I thought it was because she was spunky and screamed real loud like an 80 year old woman? I'm so confused.

Belcheryl said...

What happened to Rosemary? I still like June. And Alaina, who came up w/ Isla??? Hello! Credit where it's due my friend!!!lol

They are all lovely just like she will be=)