We had a very fun weekend. On Saturday night we went to our stakes Valentine's Dance. It was a lot of fun! It was 50's themed, and I am proud to report that Eli and I won the Hokey Pokey contest. We had fun with our friends there. It made me laugh because this was my first time going to an adult church dance. It was the opposite from a youth dance. At a youth dance everyone comes out for the fast songs, and they clear the floor and head for the snack table during the slow songs. At this dance, a lot of the people there were older, so they a lot left during the fast songs and crowded the floor for the slow songs. It was really fun to have a night out with Eli. He is actually a good dancer, a lot better than me.

Yesterday was my birthday. I am 26 now. I don't know if its from being a mom or just being closer to thirty than twenty, but I just wasn't as excited about it as I usually am. Well, it's not that I wasn't excited, but it didn't seem to matter as much. Either way it was still a great day! We went to church, came home and I got to take a long nap! For my present Eli is going to watch Caroline so I can go shopping by myself! Also, part of my present from him, and the best part for me, was some empathy. Let me explain: Caroline didn't sleep well Saturday night. She wouldn't go to sleep for the sitter so she was up really late. She has also been teething. I brought her home after the first hour of church so she could take a nap, but she only slept for an hour. So, in the afternoon, while I was napping, she would not take a nap for Eli. She was whining, and crying. She just wanted to be held. But at the same time Eli was trying to do laundry, clean, and help me start dinner. She was really a stinker for him, but I'm secretly glad she was like that for him, but now he knows what it's like sometimes. She's usually very well behaved, but sometimes when she's not feeling well she can make things difficult. And Eli is very nice, and appreciative of how I try to take care to take the house and have dinner ready, but now he knows and understands exactly what it can be like sometimes. I wish I could go to his school so I can completely understand what he is doing too.
I made my own birthday dinner, not because Eli wouldn't make me a dinner but because there was something special I wanted that just isn't in Eli's repertoire. I made Grandma's fried chicken, mashed potatoes, rolls, creamed corn, and honey carrots. It was the best! I am proud to say I can make mashed potatoes that taste exactly like grandmas. If anyone in my family wants to have some, just come see me and I'll make it for you. They are the best! I really felt like I was having a birthday dinner at Grandma's house again. It was a great birthday!
Thanks family and friends, it was a great birthday!