Monday, February 28, 2011

Baby Shower

Two of my sweet sisters threw me a baby shower on Saturday! It was so nice. I am always blown away at how generous and kind our friends and family are. Thank you so much to everyone who came or sent us something. It was beautiful. Cindy and Annie really went all out, and Eli's family helped a lot too and added some beautiful things. You'll see in the pictures: (I don't know why this is underlined!)

Annie made a really cute table runner to match the pink and green. We had a delicious pasta salad (from Cindy), little sandwiches, fruit and dip, veggies and dip, trifle, and chocolate dipped strawberries (from Eli's sister). Everything was so good! The cake was made in ID, Eli's step-mom ordered it and Eli's mom brought it down. It was so cool! I've never seen such an amazing cake! It tasted delicious too!

Annie made Caroline the most beautiful baby quilt! She is really talented. Look at the details of the embroidery!

Everyone gave such lovely (and needed!) presents! Thank you so much!

It was great! Now we're ready for her to come whenever she wants. I started having some contractions Saturday! I think they were just braxton hicks, but still, it means something going on. I go to the doctor tomorrow and he'll check to see if I'm dialated yet. I'm so excited!! This is my last week of work. I was going to work next week too, but I am getting so tired and uncomfortable. If she comes this week, that would be great, but if she comes closer to her due date I'd like to be as rested up and relaxed as I can be. Two weeks left!!

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